Saturday, September 23, 2006

糟了。真的是看 [宫] 看上瘾了。

说实在的,能够对一部戏那么的投入又深思还是头一凿。虽说是韩剧,而是偶像派的韩剧,有可能是在这四天的时间废寝但不忘食的状态下一口气看完它吧才会产生这效应。看到了做个第三者并不好玩,敬而远之还是比较好吧?律的穷追不舍始终得不到他想要的。彩静的那种女孩,其实是我蛮向往的那种类型,但当然不是每天都以泪洗面的哈哈。真是的。这都也不只是虚构的一个世界罢了。 但人总是喜欢幻想一个美丽的世界。我也没犯下什么滔天大罪。

我想我有可能患了日夜分裂症。哈哈。。白天的性格与在深夜是截然不同的我,连我在开始时都有点惊讶。但我渐渐地喜欢这种自己一个人在深夜有好多好多的思绪涌入脑里的状态。应该是一种。。自然。。自我的平衡吧。哈哈。呃![宫之论] 。。完毕!

prelims 的结束带来了短短五天的放纵吧。真是有不祥的预感。

星期三的考卷一旦结束,就和宁到了滨海广场逛了逛,吃了吃,也 k 了好几个钟头的歌。 哈哈。这也只是我计划中的娱性节目的开始罢了。哈哈。。。

隔天就和恩上戏院。还原本想继那时的电影马拉松再来一回。 可惜因时间紧迫而无法如愿进行。最终只看了 the devil wears prada 。过后就到处走走, 把一大把时间花在玩具店自我娱乐+嘲笑。 周五。还原本打算去剪头发的, 但中了宫德降头。。没办法。。哈哈。 傍晚就与敏和那只猿猴 LOL! 到滨海广场的新旺茶餐厅叙旧。 我们还是老样子。。说了好多啼笑皆非的事。 在esplanade 坐了好一会儿。。谈到了梦想。。未来。。说真的。眼前还是蛮茫然的。今天。有时回到了滨海广场。难道是缘分?! 哈哈哈哈哈。。原本是要为朋友庆生的。 当中发生了不少事情。怎么说呢。。呃。。就是天时地利人和都搞砸了吧。 

没过多久, 又得忙起来了。 加油。。加油。。。加油!征服宇宙!哈哈哈哈。。


lunz finished ranting at 11:55 PM

Sunday, September 10, 2006
one bundle of urgency. ready for delivery!

would u look at that! i just gave birth and even hit the headlines of yahoo! news . lols. click on the pic to enlarge and see what i mean lols.

spent most of my week crashing over at flea's place. to the point where i actually got myself chummy with his cousins and puppy. wunderbar. it beats being at home and mugging by yourself though. having remus as the big butt of jokes and luc with his psychosexbook. lols. so u see. flea and i are the more sane ones. ok maybe not. lols. quirky pics can be found on luc's blog lols. especially that of remus on the OTO Flabelos. lols.

this has been a really weird time. i've been studying alrite. but i've come to a point where i dont know what im studying at all. after a while it came to a point of mindless milling through notes and then putting them aside and proceeding on to another pile. is this what happens if u start too early ?! which i seriously havent done before until i checked myself into the afternoon studyings in school.

ah well. one day more to gp and econs paper 3 . i have half a day dedicated to econs. half a day dedicated to lovely chem. i think i did the most of chem. but i feel like a pot of badly planted orchid. water in the information and it seeps out just as fast. yay!

oh so many things to look forward to when the prelims finally get out of my sight. get my hands on okami, VP2 , FFVII: DOC. getting through with the last of the naruto fillers (YES!) and then proceed on to the kakashi gaiden arc which will flow through finally into the main storyline of the manga. after which go out and have nice food. yes. i need nice food! and perhaps catch a movie which i've failed to do so for a really long time.

its gonna be a good 2 weeks where we fear the start, welcome the end, dread the aftermath.

lunz finished ranting at 10:14 AM

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